Monday, May 24, 2010

1. My favorite part of geology was the learning of fossils, remains, and artifacts. I enjoyed this most because it gives us an idea of what was here before us.

2. I enjoyed learning about clouds because their are so many clouds and their uses. Each cloud has its specific details and shape.

3. Galaxy was very interesting to learn about because they are beautiful and interesting to learn about their complex and they might just hold more life on them.
4. I honestly think I made an eighty-eight on it, I think I should have studied just a little bit more than I did.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

1. Because all the pressure and heat clamped the debris and minerals together forming planets. Today the universe is growing by getting the minerals broken from small and large rocks that break apart or clash into each other.

2.I think if stepped foot or got pull into a black hole it would take me through a whirlpool of time and space and i would end up in a whole different time or universe. I would be lost in time forever left to find new places to live or create new worlds.

3. I think if you step into a worm hole you would travel either back or further in time what ever one needed fixing or just fr you to simply observe would happen ed that you might of forgotten about in your past.

Friday, April 30, 2010

1. The 4 ways you can find a planet is: Radical Velicity, Astromentry, Transit Method, and Optical Detection

2. The Radical Volicity is the best one because the can get a more accurate measurement of everything and I do not like inaccurate information when somebody is trying to teach me something.

3. Goldilocks Zone is an area of space in which a planet is just the right distance from its home star so that its surface is neither too hot or too cold.

4. If it had life they would be small, they would look like miniature us. They will be fast and very smart and will be able to use 15% of their brain power. They live civilized and peacefully, without war and money. They barter instead of buy because they think it is best. They live in a high tech world where everybody helps everybody.

5. I do not know what to think, because we are still finding freaking things around the world. There are still wonders to find in this world. I would really have to see to believe it, but I still have a open-mind to it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

1. Hydrogen is the primary gas in the Jovian planets.

2. Carbon Dioxide is the primary gas in Venus and Mars.

3. I would want to live on Pluto because it is so far out and it is also pretty planet with 2/3 moons. Even though it has very long days I wouldn't mind cause I have more time to sleep.

Friday, April 23, 2010

A black hole is a celestial body whose surface gravity is so strong that not even light can escape once trapped. It is invisible, you can not see it at all. Light cannot escape, nothing else can, according to Einstein's theory of relativity. A French mathematician, Pierre Simon de LaPlace agreed with Isaac Newton that light is composed of particles. A way to identify a black hole is gas from a star nearby is flowing towards a black spot at the speed of light.

A comet is a small member of the solar system made up of rocky material held together by frozen gases. The parts of the comet include the halo, the coma and the tail. A halo is material that surrounds the nucleus. The tail is the part of a comet that doesn't face the sun. The coma is the side that always faces the sun.

SETI is the acronym for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. It is the search for electromagnetic signals from other civilizations in the universe. Several SETI projects currently operate at different observatories. The majority of SETI efforts search for radio transmissions, but a growing number of programs search for light signals.

Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, is more like Earth than any other body in our solar system. It has mountains and valleys, polar ice caps, and dry riverbeds. It has seasons, an atmosphere with clouds, winds and dust storms, and a solid rocky surface.

Even without a telescope, you can tell that the lunar surface is covered with two different types of terrain, one bright and the other dark. The bright terrain is usually called the “highlands” because it lies relatively higher in elevation. The dark terrain is separated into often circular blotches that are referred to as the lunar maria. The maria are mostly lower in elevation than the highlands.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bye Bye 3rd quater :-c, cause 4th quater is kicking you to the side!

1. My blog "It was devastating" was my best blog to me because i was able to show people that tragedy people had to endure by natural disasters.

2. I enjoyed chapter 18 the most because, it was mainly review from elementary and middle school.

I believe I deserve a 100.